Can I come and watch a lesson?
Yes, you are welcome to watch a lesson if you want, or your first lesson is free so you can take part and try it out.
How does the fee structure work?
Fees are payable on a monthly basis by Direct Debit.
Training once a week (coloured belts only) at your designated club = £34.00 (first month is £46.00) Little Dragons = £31.00.
*Unlimited training =£46.00
*Unlimited training – you can train as many times as you want at any of our classes.
We run our classes all through the holidays except the Christmas break when we normally stop for two weeks. Your monthly payment includes all assessments, certificates and belts (little dragons only), plus the annual break at Christmas and Bank Holidays. This monthly payment also assures your child’s place in the chosen class. There are no refunds on missed classes and please do not cancel or amend your direct debit without prior arrangement and inform us in advance about any foreseen absences.
Failed Payments
LBTKD will request a further £5.00 per transaction for any failed direct debits payments.
If I train once a week and can’t make my lesson can I train another day?
Yes you can, as this will help towards making up the attendance required for your gradings. However, please inform your instructor of your intentions so that he/she is aware of when you will be attending. Any missed training must be made up within the current month.
If we have to cancel lessons due to unforeseen circumstances with the schools, we will put a notice out on our website or Twitter. If you are training once a week, and its your lesson that has been cancelled you would be more than welcome to train on another day to make up the lesson.
Training twice a week or more
This increased frequency provides significant benefits, as students tend to retain their information gained from increased training resulting in increased confidence in their patterns and self defence fundamentals/skills as well as building on their fitness and strength with regular practice. All students who are blue belt are expected to train twice a week or more, once a student reaches blue belt they are automatically moved to the unlimited plan.
Do I need any equipment or clothing?
Not to begin with no. We will allow you to take your first grading in your loose clothing but we do request that you have a dobok before your second grading.
Sparring Equipment will be required later on in your training but not until you are green belt, so you have plenty of time to save. (You are welcome to purchase sparring equipment at anytime to enable you to take part in sparring and gain the relevant experience).
Where can I get doboks and sparring equipment from?
You will need to purchase a UTA/UKITF recognised approved Dobok (uniform) from us. Under the LBTKD regulations we do not allow any other form of Martial Art Uniform to be worn in the schools.
We strongly recommend for insurance purposes that sparring is purchased through the school. You can purchase your own sparring equipment but they have to conform to specific standards for insurance so please come and see me for advice first before making any purchases. Second Hand Sparring equipment and Doboks are not sold by the school as the do not conform to the Insurance Regulations.
Your sparring equipment consists of Headgear, Hand Pads, Feet Pads and Shin guards and a bag. Gum shields are a requirement and these can be purchased from the school or any good sports shop.
Are there any additional costs?
After the first year you will be required to pay a membership fee of £30.00 for coloured belts and Little Dragons, and £35.00 for Black Belts. This will be taken automatically from your direct debit mandate. The first year is free.
How often are the gradings?
There are 4 coloured belt gradings a year. Every March, June, September and December and they are normally held on the 2nd Saturday of the Month at The Weatherly Centre Biggleswade. Gradings currently cost £24.00.
Are there any grading requirements?
Beginners and Yellow Tags will take 6 – 12 weeks each to grade depending on whether you are training once or twice a week
Yellow – Blue Tags – 3 months – 6 months to grade (depending on training once or twice a week) and a minimum of 24 attendance stamps
Blue Belts – Black Belt – 6 – 12 months to grade (depending on training once or twice a week) and a minimum of 48 attendance stamps.
Are there any additional events other than normal training?
Yes, on the first Saturday of March, June, September and December we run an all day training session for a maximum of 25 students. All students that attend will get 6 stamps , which helps towards their grading requirements but also help the students to develop their training. This is £30.00.
We also run squad-training sessions every Saturday (invite only), which covers all aspects of sparring and fitness in preparation for anyone wanting to compete or to simply improve their fitness and sparring skills.
There are various other events, which are run and organised by the UTA including Competitions and Seminars. The costs vary but these events are advertised well in advanced on an email newsletters or website.
If I feel I am not confident enough to grade do I have to do it?
No, I always assess people nearer the time and discuss progress with students and anyone that feels they are not ready don’t have to grade and can continue their training until the next grading.
Does the grading include any theory?
Yes. The website contains the syllabus of questions that you may be asked at each grade and all the answers can also be found in the members area of the website. I am available to assist if you are unable to find any answers.
Does the Lil Dragon’s program work in the same way?
Similar, assessments are carried out in the class the week after their attendance card has been completed. There are 4 belts, Yellow Stripe, Green Stripe, Blue Stripe and Red Stripe. Depending on attendance, it will take approximately 6 months to achieve each stripe. There are also tags which can be achieved in between stripes, and these tend to be for our younger Lil Dragons so that they are progressing as they should be for their age and capabilities, but also seeing that they moving on as well.
Black Belt Gradings
These are conducted twice a year normally towards the end of March and September.
Black Belt Assessments
The same as the coloured belt gradings for times every March, June, September and December and they are normally held on the 2nd Saturday of the Month at The Weatherly Centre, Biggleswade. These are for black belts only and are two marker points between degree of black belt. Information on what you will do on these assessments is provided in the learning portal for registered members.
Do the classes run through the holidays?
We run our classes all through the holidays except for bank holidays and the Christmas break when we normally stop for two weeks.